74 research outputs found

    Neural Machine Translation of Logographic Languages Using Sub-character Level Information

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    Recent neural machine translation (NMT) systems have been greatly improved by encoder-decoder models with attention mechanisms and sub-word units. However, important differences between languages with logographic and alphabetic writing systems have long been overlooked. This study focuses on these differences and uses a simple approach to improve the performance of NMT systems utilizing decomposed sub-character level information for logographic languages. Our results indicate that our approach not only improves the translation capabilities of NMT systems between Chinese and English, but also further improves NMT systems between Chinese and Japanese, because it utilizes the shared information brought by similar sub-character units.Comment: WMT 2018 (regular paper); 9 page

    The Rule of Three: Abstractive Text Summarization in Three Bullet Points

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    Neural network-based approaches have become widespread for abstractive text summarization. Though previously proposed models for abstractive text summarization addressed the problem of repetition of the same contents in the summary, they did not explicitly consider its information structure. One of the reasons these previous models failed to account for information structure in the generated summary is that standard datasets include summaries of variable lengths, resulting in problems in analyzing information flow, specifically, the manner in which the first sentence is related to the following sentences. Therefore, we use a dataset containing summaries with only three bullet points, and propose a neural network-based abstractive summarization model that considers the information structures of the generated summaries. Our experimental results show that the information structure of a summary can be controlled, thus improving the performance of the overall summarization.Comment: 9 pages; PACLIC 201

    Multi-Head Multi-Layer Attention to Deep Language Representations for Grammatical Error Detection

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    It is known that a deep neural network model pre-trained with large-scale data greatly improves the accuracy of various tasks, especially when there are resource constraints. However, the information needed to solve a given task can vary, and simply using the output of the final layer is not necessarily sufficient. Moreover, to our knowledge, exploiting large language representation models to detect grammatical errors has not yet been studied. In this work, we investigate the effect of utilizing information not only from the final layer but also from intermediate layers of a pre-trained language representation model to detect grammatical errors. We propose a multi-head multi-layer attention model that determines the appropriate layers in Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers (BERT). The proposed method achieved the best scores on three datasets for grammatical error detection tasks, outperforming the current state-of-the-art method by 6.0 points on FCE, 8.2 points on CoNLL14, and 12.2 points on JFLEG in terms of F_0.5. We also demonstrate that by using multi-head multi-layer attention, our model can exploit a broader range of information for each token in a sentence than a model that uses only the final layer's information.Comment: 12 pages; CICLing 201

    Sparse Named Entity Classification using Factorization Machines

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    Named entity classification is the task of classifying text-based elements into various categories, including places, names, dates, times, and monetary values. A bottleneck in named entity classification, however, is the data problem of sparseness, because new named entities continually emerge, making it rather difficult to maintain a dictionary for named entity classification. Thus, in this paper, we address the problem of named entity classification using matrix factorization to overcome the problem of feature sparsity. Experimental results show that our proposed model, with fewer features and a smaller size, achieves competitive accuracy to state-of-the-art models.Comment: 4+1 page

    Debiasing Word Embeddings Improves Multimodal Machine Translation

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    In recent years, pretrained word embeddings have proved useful for multimodal neural machine translation (NMT) models to address the shortage of available datasets. However, the integration of pretrained word embeddings has not yet been explored extensively. Further, pretrained word embeddings in high dimensional spaces have been reported to suffer from the hubness problem. Although some debiasing techniques have been proposed to address this problem for other natural language processing tasks, they have seldom been studied for multimodal NMT models. In this study, we examine various kinds of word embeddings and introduce two debiasing techniques for three multimodal NMT models and two language pairs -- English-German translation and English-French translation. With our optimal settings, the overall performance of multimodal models was improved by up to +1.93 BLEU and +2.02 METEOR for English-German translation and +1.73 BLEU and +0.95 METEOR for English-French translation.Comment: 11 pages; MT Summit 2019 (camera ready

    Long Short-Term Memory for Japanese Word Segmentation

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    This study presents a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network approach to Japanese word segmentation (JWS). Previous studies on Chinese word segmentation (CWS) succeeded in using recurrent neural networks such as LSTM and gated recurrent units (GRU). However, in contrast to Chinese, Japanese includes several character types, such as hiragana, katakana, and kanji, that produce orthographic variations and increase the difficulty of word segmentation. Additionally, it is important for JWS tasks to consider a global context, and yet traditional JWS approaches rely on local features. In order to address this problem, this study proposes employing an LSTM-based approach to JWS. The experimental results indicate that the proposed model achieves state-of-the-art accuracy with respect to various Japanese corpora.Comment: 10 pages; PACLIC 201

    Japanese Sentiment Classification using a Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory with Attention

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    Previous approaches to training syntax-based sentiment classification models required phrase-level annotated corpora, which are not readily available in many languages other than English. Thus, we propose the use of tree-structured Long Short-Term Memory with an attention mechanism that pays attention to each subtree of the parse tree. Experimental results indicate that our model achieves the state-of-the-art performance in a Japanese sentiment classification task.Comment: 10 pages; PACLIC 201

    Multi-task Learning for Japanese Predicate Argument Structure Analysis

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    An event-noun is a noun that has an argument structure similar to a predicate. Recent works, including those considered state-of-the-art, ignore event-nouns or build a single model for solving both Japanese predicate argument structure analysis (PASA) and event-noun argument structure analysis (ENASA). However, because there are interactions between predicates and event-nouns, it is not sufficient to target only predicates. To address this problem, we present a multi-task learning method for PASA and ENASA. Our multi-task models improved the performance of both tasks compared to a single-task model by sharing knowledge from each task. Moreover, in PASA, our models achieved state-of-the-art results in overall F1 scores on the NAIST Text Corpus. In addition, this is the first work to employ neural networks in ENASA.Comment: 10 pages; NAACL 201

    Word-Alignment-Based Segment-Level Machine Translation Evaluation using Word Embeddings

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    One of the most important problems in machine translation (MT) evaluation is to evaluate the similarity between translation hypotheses with different surface forms from the reference, especially at the segment level. We propose to use word embeddings to perform word alignment for segment-level MT evaluation. We performed experiments with three types of alignment methods using word embeddings. We evaluated our proposed methods with various translation datasets. Experimental results show that our proposed methods outperform previous word embeddings-based methods.Comment: 5 page

    English-Japanese Neural Machine Translation with Encoder-Decoder-Reconstructor

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    Neural machine translation (NMT) has recently become popular in the field of machine translation. However, NMT suffers from the problem of repeating or missing words in the translation. To address this problem, Tu et al. (2017) proposed an encoder-decoder-reconstructor framework for NMT using back-translation. In this method, they selected the best forward translation model in the same manner as Bahdanau et al. (2015), and then trained a bi-directional translation model as fine-tuning. Their experiments show that it offers significant improvement in BLEU scores in Chinese-English translation task. We confirm that our re-implementation also shows the same tendency and alleviates the problem of repeating and missing words in the translation on a English-Japanese task too. In addition, we evaluate the effectiveness of pre-training by comparing it with a jointly-trained model of forward translation and back-translation.Comment: 8 page
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